When did life decide to go CRAZY!? LOL Somehow I have found my entire month of April sucked into a vortex! It is only the 9th and I am seriously wondering "HOW am I going to get EVERYTHING done in time!???" LOL. Life is good... just busy!! I won't be posting a freebie next week as I am going out of town for the entire week! My ex-step mother is getting re-married and I am staying with my half siblings for the week so she can enjoy a Honey Moon!! (sound like a confusing family..... it gets even more crazy... lol... but we don't have time for that today!!) So I will be gone next week... grab up your freebie for this week and then check back in two weeks for the next piece!! What else is going on that makes my month so crazy??? LOL. OH YEAH!!!! I got COMMISIONED to do some work!!! YIPPIE!! I was flattered by this! I have been asked by a company to create a kit specifically for them! I am excited for the opportunity... but it also means that I won't have time to work on ANYTHING else for the rest of April!! LOL *sigh* Such is my life. so here is my post for this week! lol. sorry if it is a bit rambling and dis-jointed... that is how my brain feels right now! HAHA
OK! here we go! First off... NEW PRODUCT!!!!! YEAH! I got a new product up in the store and I am WAY excited to show it off! This is a fun new series I am doing! Each set will contain texture overlays that combine well to make a beautiful set of papers! The idea is that you buy the pack and use these layers stacked up on top of each other. By changing the blending modes and opacity of the layers you can come up with ALL KINDS of DIFFERENT papers that MATCH and work together!!! These are FUN for personal use and FANTASTIC for commercial use... and YES they are CU Friendly!!! WOOT! This is set one and more set's are on their way! Get them all and then have even MORE mix and match posibilities!!!
Layer'em Up set 1 will be on sale 40% off through April!! (but April is going FAST so don't wait! lol)
Next up- CT CALL!!!! Luisa and I are teaming up to find a creative team!!! We are looking for 3 people who would like to work with our kits to help us show it off!! Both of us have little children... which makes for little designing time.... which adds up to - NOT getting kits out very fast! We figure together we might have enough to keep a CT busy! lol. So if you have ALWAYS wanted to join a CT and just didn't feel like you had the time.... then this 'light work load' CT might be a perfect fit!!! Please read the ad below and see if you can comply with our terms. The last day for our call is TOMOROW!!!!Hurry and send us an e-mail to join.our.ct@gmail.com
Now to the PICTURE PERFECT CHAT!!!! WOOT! This is going to be fun girls!!! Lani and I are hosting the first Picture Perfect Chat! Join us TOMOROW NIGHT (Thursday April 10th) at 9:00 EST in the DSO chat room! We will be talking about taking photos in general and discussing this months Picture Perfect Challenge which you can find HERE! Lani has some GREAT tips for us this month so make sure to check it out and join us at the chat!!! (p.s. There WILL be an attendance gift.... I just haven't made it yet! LOL) And while we are talking about chat's--- Don't forget to catch the Monday Make it Chat Monday April 14th at 9:00 EST in the DSO chat room! They are ALWAYS a blast and you get a template PLUS a posting bonus!!!
Now what is left for me to yack about... I am not one much for LONG blog posts... but SHEESH there is SO MUCH going on! LOL
I think I am to the freebie for the week though... and that is REALLY what you all came here for anyway ISN'T IT!!!! LOL... hey... I would too! So here it is!!! Special thanks to miss Bunny this week! The original photo edge is from her new CU grab bag for April! GOOD STUFF GIRLS!! Get it here! I added the fillies... but the frame is really the best part!!! LOL
Well ok... I think that about wraps it up!! LOL. Don't forget I am 'off' next week so this freebie will be up for 2 weeks! See ya in a while crocodile!!